So far, since January 1, 2010, I've put 1,874 km on my old mountain bike, and since I got my road bike in early May, I've put 586 km on it, for a total of 2460 km. That means I've been doing an average of nearly 500 km per month, which includes rainy old January, sunny February, so-so March, wedding-month April and honeymoon-at-the-start-drowning-in-rain-for-the-rest May.
My longest ride to date was about a week ago, when I did 135 km. Most of the ride was on the table-flat alluvial plains of Richmond and Delta, and I still felt like I was going to die by the end of the ride. The following day I was in no condition to get back on my bike.
We don't have much time to train. We've only got about a week and a half to really ride, because we're planning to avoid long rides for the last week before the ride to Seattle.
I am going to make it to Seattle for sure. I've decided that's the case. I just might not feel that awesome when I get there.
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